The Experience You Need To:

When You Get Sued, You Have Options
If you’re being sued for a student loan, you probably think you’ve got no choice but to pay the debt in full. That’s simply not true.
When a student loan company files a lawsuit against you, they’re claiming you owe them a specific amount of money.
If you do nothing, the court will take the collector’s claim at face value and issue a judgment against you. You’ll not only owe the full amount, but also possible legal fees and court costs. The judgment remains valid for 10 years, can be renewed indefinitely, accrues interest at the rate of 10% per year, and can be collected through wage garnishment, taking the money from your bank accounts, and forcing a sale of your automobile and other personal property.
When you defend the lawsuit, you take away the student loan collector’s ability to have the judge issue a judgment without proof. Rather than simply rubber-stamping the judgment, you now have the opportunity to force the student loan company to:
The student loan company doesn’t need to prove anything – unless you take control and fight back!
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California’s FIRST Student Loan Lawyer
Hi, I’m Jay Fleischman.
I’ve been a student loan lawyer since before most people ever heard the term. In fact, I was the first California lawyer concentrating in the field of student loan resolution.
My experience spans over 22 years and covers every aspect of consumer protection, which means I’m uniquely positioned to understand and help solve even the most complicated student loan issues.
As one of the attorneys who runs the Student Loan Law Workshop, the nation’s premier training program for lawyers in the field, I’ve taught over 350 lawyers how to help people with student loan problems. This not only means I’ve got the experience and knowledge you need to defeat the student loan lender, but also a nationwide network of student loan lawyers who keep me updated on what’s happening all over the country.
I know all the tricks and tactics used by the student loan collectors and can help you maximize your chances of success.
“No Surprise” Legal Fees
When you hire me you get complete representation up to and including trial.
If you had a lot of money to spend on legal fees, you probably wouldn’t be behind on your student loans. That’s why I’ve structured my legal fees to give you the maximum benefit in the most cost-effective way. All legal fees include:
- Personal access and representation by me – not some inexperienced junior lawyer
- File and serve an Answer or other responsive pleadings in cour
- Handle all discovery requests and responses as needed
- Deal with any motions
- Attend at all court hearings, mediation sessions, and conferences
- Negotiate settlements and repayment options as necessary
- Prepare you for, and conduct, trial if needed
My legal fee to defend a student loan lawsuit is $295 per month for 12 months. If you’re being sued with a spouse, parent or grandparent then I can offer a reduced legal fee to represent both of you in the same lawsuit.
You’ll also be required to pay the initial court filing fee, which is between $225 – $435 depending on the amount of money the lender claims you owe (click here for a schedule of court filing fees).
There are no additional fees and no bonus if we get you a better deal.
Get a Free 15-Minute No-Obligation Case Review
Your free 15-minute no-obligation case review is your opportunity to find out if I will take on your case. We’ll take some time by phone to get to know one another and make sure we can work together.
I’ll analyze the complaint, discuss your goals, outline the possibility of settlement, and review your chances of winning the student loan lawsuit.
From there we can put together a plan of attack – giving you the peace of mind that comes with knowing you’re being protected and represented by a student loan lawyer with the experience to do their best work for you.
Ready? Let’s go.
As Seen In

You Have a Limited Time To Protect Your Rights
The minute you get a copy of the Summons and Complaint, your time begins to tick down – fast.
Under California law, you generally have 30 days from the date you are served – including weekends and holidays (40 days if you were served by mail or through someone else at your home or place of business) to file a response with the court. If you don’t file your response on time, the creditor can get a default judgment against you.
Once that happens, there’s not much that can be done to stop the creditor from ruining your financial life for a long time.
Calling the student loan company or their lawyers won’t stop the clock from running, and does nothing to legally protect you. The only way to protect yourself is by responding to the court notice before it’s too late.